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Arqueiro Telecom

Fiber Optics

Arqueiro Telecom - Fibra Ótica
What is Fiber Optics?
Fiber optics is a data transmission medium that uses extremely thin strands of glass or plastic to conduct light. Each fiber strand is approximately the diameter of a human hair, but can stretch for kilometers and is capable of carrying digital information in the form of light pulses, at speeds close to the speed of light.
How Does Fiber Optics Work?
Fiber optic technology is based on total internal reflection. Inside the fiber cable, light is repeatedly reflected within, traveling long distances with minimal signal loss. This process allows large volumes of data to be transmitted at extremely high speeds.
1. Structure: A fiber optic cable typically consists of:
- Core: Where the light travels.
- Cladding: Which keeps the light in the core through internal reflection.
- Protective Layers: Which protect the cable from external damage.

2. Data Transmission: The signal is converted into light pulses by a transmitter (LED or laser), and at the end of the line, a receiver converts these pulses back into digital data.
The Main Advantages of Fiber Optics
Fiber optics can provide significantly higher internet speeds than other technologies, such as coaxial cable or DSL. It allows data transmission at speeds exceeding 1 Gbps.
Unlike other transmission methods, fiber optics are less susceptible to electromagnetic interference, ensuring a more stable connection with less fluctuation.
Fiber optics have a much greater bandwidth capacity than copper cables, enabling the simultaneous sending and receiving of large volumes of data without compromising quality.
Lower Latency
Fiber optics offer lower latency compared to other technologies, which improves the experience for activities that require quick responses, such as video calls and online gaming.
Transmission Distance
Fiber optic cables can transmit data over much longer distances without loss of signal quality, unlike mediums such as copper cables, which lose strength as distance increases.
Durability and Security
Fiber optics are more resistant to extreme environmental conditions and less susceptible to physical damage. Additionally, fiber is more secure against interceptions and intrusions, as it does not emit electromagnetic signals, making eavesdropping more difficult.

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